Wednesday, August 22, 2007

Farewell tour, continued

I finished up one of my favorite parts of the AP experience today: regeneration. My 8 am massage continues to identify tightness in my back and neck. I completed the other regeneration staples: flush (light 10-minute bike ride), foam roll and contrast (switching between the 60 degree pool and the jacuzzi) with enthusiasm.

I also started the exit process by retaking my Functional Movement Screening and Keiser tests. The FMS is a series of tests (toe touching, squat, lunge, etc) that evaluate one's flexibility. The results were merely OK; I didn't improve much on any of these drills. Jeremy, who managed the tests, suggested that I didn't do as well on these tests because we focused our time on improving my elbow. I don't make excuses, but if I can throw with limited discomfort, I'll tolerate a little inflexibility.

The Keiser tests seem simple, but are more complicated under the surface. I sat at a leg press machine sitting next to a digital display. When prompted, I completed one rep as fast as possible. The resistance gets progressively harder, making it difficult to complete the goal of 10 reps. The test is repeated on the chest press machine. The goal is to maximize force, which the hydraulic Keiser machine measures. I'll see the results (as compared to my test four weeks ago) on Friday.

That's all for now. I only have two more workouts before I return home.

Thanks for reading,

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