Monday, August 20, 2007

New faces, same place

I arrived today to begin my fourth and final week. I've been here as long as nearly every current client. As Dia Clark said famously, today was the same but a little different.

For the last three weeks, Joe has trained me under the supervision of Darryl. Now, Joe is off to grad school and Darryl is spending the week training the San Francisco 49ers. Masa, a full-time AP employee (like Darryl), will train me for my final week.

The morning session was a movement workout (no surprise there). Masa added his own variation, so I did some slightly different exercises. For example, he added rotator cuff strengthening on the Keiser machine and other prehab exercises. I trained with a different partner, an ASU golfer named Victor. The afternoon session wasn't different; unlike the AM session, the PM lifting sequence is scripted.

To correct a previous post, while AP trains executives, the groups I've seen here aren't executives. One group (that left on Friday) was a collection of California fire fighters. Another was a group of "mentors": physical therapists, personal trainers and nutritionists who come to Athletes' Performance to learn the gospel.

There's more to look forward to this week. Orioles outfielder Jay Gibbons, recovering from shoulder surgery, is expected on Wednesday.

Thanks for reading,

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